In the last three weeks I have had some interesting conversations with a few different people about food and nutrition and food and disease. In the last 5 years I can say with assurance that at least 80% of the people I talk to who are looking for information about changing food habits are not asking for themselves.
The very first person EVER who asked me for suggestions was a super healthy strong great habit wielding woman who wanted to help her daughter.
Dealing with cancer patients is the exact same except in that case I can count easily the number of people who have asked for information for themselves, and every single one of them did not really need help, they needed affirmation. They had already done the research and were doing the best they could do to keep themselves strong and healthy. Wait! I just remembered a woman who did not quite fit into that category. She was trying to learn and make healthy choices because her family had worked very hard to convince her it was her best option for successful recovery during and after treatment.
We really need to find a way to raise children to prioritize health. Waiting until you are sick and have a lifetime of bad food habits is just not effective. Start having experiences with friends and family instead of food.
During a conversation last week I was reminded of the person who believed that pizza was a fantastic choice because according to the Food Pyramid as they remembered it from elementary school it was all good stuff! Meats, grains, dairy and vegetables. Here is a better option than a Pizza Pyramid.
Here is the best one!

I need to take some classes this summer to get some CEU’s and it came up in conversation with one of my doctors. I told him I was looking at Auto-Immune disorders & nutrition or Senior Nutrition. He said that Senior Nutrition would probably really come in handy for me. RUDE! I certainly do not picture myself as senior yet! 🙂
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