Three Things

Pain AHHHH My Head Hurts! Kept waking up with a sinus headache. Weather changes and melting snow I assume. I am doing all the sinus fixing things today. Gross (public service announcement) For the last few months we’ve noticed a ridiculous increase in dust in our home. But then...

Sia Stuff

Listening to the “news” this morning and they were talking about Sia and her movie that is facing a lot of backlash for it’s portrayal of an autistic girl. I was going to link to a news article but they are all filled with so may ads and pop-ups...


Rose colored glasses firmly in place But they’re trifocals so I can see clearly no matter the face Woke up feeling strangely for the last two days Tired and fuzzy that comes in waves Went to the dr for my monthly shot Nurse asked me if I was sick...

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