Nice people

I almost always assume people are decent and nice. I think it is honestly one of my better personality traits, I really do look for the good in people not the bad. It is funny how it can be the smallest thing. For Example: I had a very large...

Auld Lang Syne

Okay first I am happy that I actually knew how to spell that. Things. So many things. My family all seems to be in a state of flux again. Everyone making changes, big and small. That is always unsettling and in my roll of feeling responsible for anything and...


Okay, I know it’s only Wednesday but this has been a long and strange week. Yesterday I kept forgetting what day it was. Today I am feeling much closer to being my normal Tracy self. Tacos I grab pictures all the time to share but then a week later...


The very best time to find a random lump in a random spot? Chemo day. I am up to two random lumps now The other one is probably a cyst underneath the skin and this one is probably a bunched muscle. It is on the same side as I...

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