Month: June 2020

  • Household Life Lessons

    Today I want to experiment with my doll arm joints. Doll joints, like doll eyes are a one shot kind of thing. Because they are made to never separate once you put it on, you are done. Since they both go on very late in the process it is a lot of hours of work…

  • Executioner

    Your hand on the doorknob you take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Settle into it to try and calm yourself down. Steeling yourself. Once you open that door you can’t let any hesitation show in your face, your walk or your actions. One more deep breath and open the door on the…

  • Just a quick crochet talk

    In case you thought I was done, I am not. I made another mermaid for Robin and I’ve been working tweaks on my granny doll. But then I have hit a snag. Suddenly nothing I am making for other people is working. So, I will stop and work on something for me. I still haven’t…

  • All Beat Up!

    I wasn’t going to talk about this because it seems so overblown and dramatic of me but then this morning I woke up feeling like someone punched me in the side, so now I am just annoyed. Yesterday was my quarterly echocardiogram which is usually about the most innocuous test you can have. The only…

  • When your dream becomes reality

    I was dreaming my hand hurt and I was arguing with my sister about my arthritis. She said I do not have it. I said I do, A doctor diagnosed it a couple of years ago and then last year when I hurt my hand the X-ray showed it. This morning I woke up and…