I am a creature of habit. I do the same basic things in the same order for 80% of my mornings. I have an alternate schedule for the other 20%. After morning the schedule is gone and I flow with the day. But that morning schedule is MINE!
Part of my morning schedule is drinking a cup of coffee while listening to the news and playing the NYT games (Wordle, Spelling Bee, Connections, Strands and the Mini) and playing a daily level in an app game. This is my slow wake up time, then workout, then shower, then start the day!
. So I drank my coffee and played my NYT games and then something happened that caused me angst. A small thing but you know, unexpected. My brain started bouncing around and I started feeling weird dread feelings. So, I switched to my 20% alternate schedule today unexpectedly and played my last game in the list, and suddenly all is right with the world again.
I love change so much that it has gotten me in trouble many times, BUT, I for myself, must have a consistent morning schedule or my brain just does not know who I am or what to do. Weirdo.

Also my friend went to the Slutty Vegan and got me this shirt, I am very excited to wear it. 🙂
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