AKA I am kinda all over the place today
About 15 years ago I borrowed my sisters sewing machine and she told me to keep it until she needed it. It was old when I borrowed it with assorted quirks and brokenness. I used it once a year, so it was perfect. She finally needed it a couple of weeks ago. I have never thought of so many things I would like to sew! So Mr. TracyMurray.online decided today to order me a sewing machine. This will be here in a few days.

I do not believe I have used a brand new sewing machine ever in my life. I was going to pick up the cheapest name brand I could find but he one upped me. I think he just likes the color. Now I am going to feel the need to make a masterpiece in sewing. Be warned.
My TOS has been acting up the last couple of weeks which means a quick trip to Hannah the LMT extraordinaire. I made an appointment for Wednesday this week and then had to cancel it because of the swelling from the shingles shot which is in one of my main problem areas for the TOS. Still just a little swollen BTW. So the TOS flare up has been progressing. The last three days I have been getting the pain when I sleep. This morning this culminated into a full blown head explosion which caused me to dream of lying though the air carrying a lion while being attacked by a bear and swearing in French. I woke up babbling in an unknown language which apparently my sleep pain dream believed was french.
I had to go for the ice pack on the back of my neck which is the absolutely one and only thing to stop the screaming nerve spasms. I melted that bastard in minutes. So today is what is colloquially known as a self-care day. Lots and lots of ibuprofen and I even took my annual bath. 🛀 I am a shower person. I think tonight will be lots of water and muscle relaxers. My arthritis in my fingers has been pretty painful recently as well which makes me wonder about the connections. Everybody seems to be sick or in pain right now. 🙁
Unrelated – yesterday after decades of saying I wanted a memorial service when I die (hopefully not soon) it suddenly hit me that I do not anymore. I won’t be there to enjoy the party so what is the point?
Liverpool and Arsenal are playing on my television right now so expect loud roars for the next 90 minutes from this end of town. Saka has dyed his hair to match his shirt so he is camouflaged.
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