Author: Tracy

  • Fork in the Road

    Some people visualize. Some people visualize what they would do differently in situations that have occurred. Some people visualize what they will do n situations that will occur. I am the latter. Every possible situation is played out with actions and words cemented. This is how my imagination starts. Some small quirk in the scenario…

  • A Ghost in my Bathroom

    A True Story of a Soft Mind I do not believe in ghosts. I believe that when someone dies, that’s it. Pfffttt….gone. They are not going to come back and hang out in my house. BUT…I spend a lot of time alone and I have a very vivid imagination so sometimes (frequently) I get spooked…

  • It’s raining again

    I dreamed baby lynx were biting me because someone housed them with the tortoises and I didn’t know it. I also dreamed that Mary Beth quit and it was only Peter and I left to work the whole company but after being awake for 48 hours corporate sent down some people to help. The showers…

  • Check YourSelf

    I started a post and then deleted it. I try very hard to make sure that when I do or say something I do a deep dive into my motivation. This one was just on the borderline of using someone else’s story to elicit an emotion. So I’ll sit on it for awhile before I…

  • If at first you don’t succeed..

    I, like I am assume the majority of people, learn best by doing. This whole fiber craft odyssey of the last two years has shown that more than anything else in my life. Knitting is all abbreviations when can be very intimidating when you are trying to learn.I decided to play with mitten patterns. So…

  • Stuff & Nonsense

    Anniversary. Today marks 7 years of a relationship that changed my life. 🙂 Seriously, my oncologist. The difference in the experience of my first oncologist and treatment versus my current oncological group is night and day. They just make everything easier. Snacks. For some reason last night I was thinking about childhood snacks and I…

  • Sigh

    I must have had strange dreams last night because I am all sortS of out of sorts today. I just want to go back to sleep. I added a new story on the writing page I had this idea popping around in my head but it wouldn’t fully flesh out so I just wrote…

  • Things this week so far.

    While “researching”* scalene muscles I learned that it’s not uncommon for people with lung conditions to develop scalene problems. It’s because we stop breathing through our diaphragm and instead breath pushing out the top of the chest which pulls on the scalenes. Also people with TOC (which I have) also are prone to scalene issues.…

  • Fever Talk

    I have been in bed for the last 36 hours with a fever and headache, completely unable to function. I still have the fever and the headache but it feels at least a little manageable now. It started with the shakes on Friday night at 2:00 am. For 45 minutes I just shook. I’ve slept…

  • Tooth and Nails !

    I woke up at ridiculous-not a real time – o’clock and could not fall back asleep! I couldn’t eat breakfast because my body has been very unpredictable the last couple of weeks and I had an oral surgeon appointment at 10:30. They yanked out my half a tooth in like five minutes but the bastard…