Why Cardio will probably save your life in more ways than one
I’ve been on this chemo drug since 2018. Stage 4 since 2014 – just under 9 years if anyone is counting (Go ME!)
As you probably guessed from my checkins at the Toledo Clinic every three months I have a CT Scan to make sure everything still looks good an an echocardiogram to make sure my heart isn’t damaged. The drug that I am on, Kadcyla, has a couple of potential wicked side effects including liver & heart damage so I am well monitored.
Last year it was discovered in a bone scan that I was osteopenic. So now I was being monitored for that too. Unfortunately this year the osteopenia progressed to osteoperosis. So, even though I have been staying as healthy & fit as possible doing cardio for my heart and to keep my sad little scarred lungs working, and weight bearing exercises to keep muscle and help my bones I wasn’t doing enough. So…in a less than stellar brain moment I upped my game on the weight bearing and muscle building exercises dropping the cardio.
I get frustrated by how much time I have to spend just doing things to keep my body from falling apart and I have to make little deals with myself to keep myself motivated and doing what I need to do.
Can you guess what happened next??? Had an echo at the end of November and now I have a new heart problem! DOH!!!!!
I have immediately added cardio back into my morning routine, which I dislike, but I am doing it. Cardio exercises when you can’t breathe normally are just not fun.
I am waiting for the cardiologist to call to schedule another echo to see if it’s improved but in the meantime I am living the life of No chemo for a couple of months!! It has been just lovely to not have the side effects after every infusion. I of course spend time on Dr Google and found trials regarding this particular heart issue (left ventricle something – it escapes at this moment) and I am encouraged to see that as long as it’s caught early it is reversible – with the best results being from, yes you guessed it, exercise.
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