UnBreak My Heart

Why Cardio will probably save your life in more ways than one


I’ve been on this chemo drug since 2018. Stage 4 since 2014 – just under 9 years if anyone is counting (Go ME!)

As you probably guessed from my checkins at the Toledo Clinic every three months I have a CT Scan to make sure everything still looks good an an echocardiogram to make sure my heart isn’t damaged. The drug that I am on, Kadcyla, has a couple of potential wicked side effects including liver & heart damage so I am well monitored.

Last year it was discovered in a bone scan that I was osteopenic. So now I was being monitored for that too. Unfortunately this year the osteopenia progressed to osteoperosis. So, even though I have been staying as healthy & fit as possible doing cardio for my heart and to keep my sad little scarred lungs working, and weight bearing exercises to keep muscle and help my bones I wasn’t doing enough. So…in a less than stellar brain moment I upped my game on the weight bearing and muscle building exercises dropping the cardio.

I get frustrated by how much time I have to spend just doing things to keep my body from falling apart and I have to make little deals with myself to keep myself motivated and doing what I need to do.

Can you guess what happened next??? Had an echo at the end of November and now I have a new heart problem! DOH!!!!!

I have immediately added cardio back into my morning routine, which I dislike, but I am doing it. Cardio exercises when you can’t breathe normally are just not fun.

I am waiting for the cardiologist to call to schedule another echo to see if it’s improved but in the meantime I am living the life of No chemo for a couple of months!! It has been just lovely to not have the side effects after every infusion. I of course spend time on Dr Google and found trials regarding this particular heart issue (left ventricle something – it escapes at this moment) and I am encouraged to see that as long as it’s caught early it is reversible – with the best results being from, yes you guessed it, exercise.



8 responses to “UnBreak My Heart”

  1. Nina Brown Avatar
    Nina Brown

    I’m very bad at doing cardio….wake-up call!

    1. You know why you’re bad at it? Because it’s no fun being uncomfortable!
      Seriously though, just start with 5 minutes a day where your heartbeat increases.
      Then 10 in a week or two.
      You are 100% worth it.

      1. Linda C Avatar
        Linda C

        I too need to get back to doing my cardio and weight bearing exercises. Definitely a wake up call.

  2. Katie Brupbacher Avatar
    Katie Brupbacher

    I started wearing a Fitbit and I love that it records my cardio and actually pushes me to do more. I started back with regular exercise about a year ago when I was feeling depressed. The onc shrink told me he could prescribe something or I could try exercising. I know it’s helping my body but it really helps my mind. I’m glad you’re taking care of your scarred lungs. You are amazing!

  3. Susan Joos Avatar
    Susan Joos

    It’s hard to do a lot of the things that are good for you. You are really committed to doing all the right things, which is so inspirational. I have been having a really hard time getting back into exercising since Covid, but I am going to do it, too!

  4. Katie Brupbacher Avatar
    Katie Brupbacher

    Btw….I don’t know why but Joe Cockers Unchain my heart kept coming into my head instead of unBreak my Heart. I had to look it up. Great song.

  5. Im doing cardio again. I had to when I got the puppy who was too small for the invisible fence. The first time walking up the hill I was running up just a year or so ago, it about killed me and I realized exactly how off track I had gotten. He probably can use the fence now and we will soon but ATM he’s been my motivation to do this thing that I need to do for my mental state as much as anything else. I’ve gotten in a really bad habit of pure lazy.
    I am so glad you’ve been monitored so well!

  6. You know what does m heart good? All these amazing women up there!

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