Today is a cranky day. I am cranky. I wallow in my crankiness today. Since my instagram is Cranky_Tracy this should not be a surprise to anyone. On a whim I searched for my CrankyVegetarian Insty as a domain and got it! So whomever let lapse, thanks!
Yesterday I had my infusion of drugs and about halfway through I remembered last time I had skipped one. The side effects hit harder.
So today I have a mild (thankfully) headache and a mild but persistent feeling of nausea. If that gets worse I will take a pill. I am getting much better about treating the nausea.
When I woke up this morning I looked out the window and saw liquid coming out of the sky and thought how wonderful it was that the forecast was wrong and we weren’t covered in snow. PSYCH! I just woke up as the snow was starting. Everything is covered in white now.
I also woke up and as I always do thought “what day is it?” Okay it’s Friday. Then in keeping with my general crankyness I thought DAMNIT! Time is going by entirely too fast. This sitting home all the time makes the days blend together and go too quickly.
I have Extreme Couponing on television. I wish I did that. Have most stores stopped allowing it? Coupons limited to only an certain number of items?
Let’s find a picture.

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