No Really…

Today is a cranky day. I am cranky. I wallow in my crankiness today. Since my instagram is Cranky_Tracy this should not be a surprise to anyone. On a whim I searched for my CrankyVegetarian Insty as a domain and got it! So whomever let lapse, thanks!
Yesterday I had my infusion of drugs and about halfway through I remembered last time I had skipped one. The side effects hit harder.

So today I have a mild (thankfully) headache and a mild but persistent feeling of nausea. If that gets worse I will take a pill. I am getting much better about treating the nausea.

When I woke up this morning I looked out the window and saw liquid coming out of the sky and thought how wonderful it was that the forecast was wrong and we weren’t covered in snow. PSYCH! I just woke up as the snow was starting. Everything is covered in white now.

I also woke up and as I always do thought “what day is it?” Okay it’s Friday. Then in keeping with my general crankyness I thought DAMNIT! Time is going by entirely too fast. This sitting home all the time makes the days blend together and go too quickly.

I have Extreme Couponing on television. I wish I did that. Have most stores stopped allowing it? Coupons limited to only an certain number of items?

Let’s find a picture.


One response to “No Really…”

  1. Susan Joos Avatar
    Susan Joos

    These days stores want you to use “digital” coupons or download them to your loyalty card. There are not many coupons in the paper (who gets the paper anymore), and the ones that you can find are primarily health and beauty products. Used to get a lot out of magazines, too, and those aren’t what they used to be, either. So you can’t just collect coupons, find the best deal, and apply the coupon to that store. I used to do that like crazy. I had a little coupon folder, organized by types, and then I would go through at least three ads, make list of what I wanted going by the cheapest prices, and then match coupons – sometimes you could have double or even triple coupons so the item was free. Then I would shop at all the stores. I wasn’t working, so this saved us a lot of money. At one time, my grocery budget was $25 a week, or as close as I could come to that!

    Sorry you are feeling cranky. You’re allowed! 🙂

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