Today starts my summer break. What, you say? Break from what??
Ha! Skipping todays chemo cycle!
My personal body cycle is chemo on tuesday – feel like shit that week – by tuesday #2 feeling better – by tuesday #3 (today) feeling great AND go back to chemo. Not This week though! And extra three Tuesdays to feel good.

The older I get, the longer this chemo thing goes on, the harder it is for my body to recover from it. Every once in a while I just go ahead and skip one and give myself a chance for a little extra healing. It is glorious!
As a bonus today is a beautiful day, AND I have a massage schedule to put my shoulder back in the correct place, AND! I am having dinner this evening with the amazing Sarah! AND (I just remembered) I have a handy man coming over to look at some tree work and I do not have to be home for it!
I have other big news but it will not be announced today!
John Krasinski is on my TV in the background. He’s so normal and funny. I hope he is nice in person because I’m just going to be angry if suddenly I hear him fall into the terrible man category.
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