I have at least 4 blogs pinballing in my head. So I will start with this one.
- Epiphany!!! The reason I haven’t been reading or writing is because it takes too much time. Most things I do, I can do two things at once, even if the one is just watching television. When I read or write, I need to focus on the reading or writing and I feel like I am wasting my time.
- I am watching two different shows that feature autism as a story line. As I see it, and Atypical. I recommend both. The biggest lesson people should take out of it is that you just need to take people where they are. It’s okay that you want people to act like you want them to act, but stop trying to force them . This goes for big and small things. I am who I am, you are who you are, I am not responsible for your behavior and you are not responsible or mine. Do I embarrass you? Too bad. That’s your issue, not mine.
- I have been asked more times that I can count “which supplement do you recommend?”

I take supplements because I need to. I have specific medical conditions that make it difficult for me to get certain nutrients, so I find other ways.
4. One of my super powers is looking at a situation and figuring out the problems, sometimes also solutions.
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