I am ready for winter to be over.
One of the things I like about myself is that I need very little to make me happy. I start each day with a quick check of what I’m looking forward to. Something new to try, a fun appointment to keep, a book to read. As the days get colder I suddenly find myself starting each day but putting the blanket over my head and wanting to hide.
I do not tolerate even mild cold anymore. It makes everything hurt,fingers, toes and lungs especially and so much of the things I enjoy involve just going outside and letting the sun absorb into my skin.
I had dinner with my sister lat night. That was very nice. We went to a little pizza place that I hit once every year or two.
I am knitting a vest at my daughters request and found it incredibly difficult to find a pattern that I could do and that was what she wanted and that would fit her. So after spending a week just fighting with knitting it the other day I frogged it all and started over with the worlds most basic pattern that I then changed every about to make it what she wanted. I really only need the pattern for the arm-holes and V-neck. I’ve never done a v-neck before. She wanted something old fashioned. 🙂
I will probably make her 2 because I ordered some other yarn that will have a nicer feel and depth of color. Oh, but my point to this wheel thing was that I felt so much better after I ripped it all out and started over. Working on something that I didn’t like and that made me feel stupid is not good for me!
Nope – that’s it. Nothing more to say. I have to stop typing because I had a late start to my day (blanket over head) and Drew Barrymore is about to come on my TV. That is a signal for me to get up because I just really cannot watch that show. it is aggravating to me. I think it will be a podcast & audio book day for me.
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