Talk to Me

I have talked before about my ambivalence about my ambivalence. I am both blessed and cursed with the ability to not react. I do not think it was something I was born with, I think it was a learned behavior but in most circumstances it now serves me well. When something happens, some big or small event I have the ability to step back and step out of the moment and react with my brain and not my emotions. Luckily I was also born with a big old heaping scoopful of empathy so I can understand what other people who have emotions that run a little closer to the surface feel.

For me personally the Covid-19 virus is just another circumstance to deal with. I will do what I always do and reassess each day or hour if needed and just roll with it. This morning I was thinking about people who have emotions* and how difficult this might be for them worrying about what to do. I know how lucky I am that my husband and son are in positions that they can work from home. I mean so far my biggest inconvenience has been that I want to make chili and you cannot find kidney beans or tomato sauce for anything.

So anyway, I guess my point was if you need a calming influence and you occasionally talk to me but think maybe I won’t sympathize, I will. Maybe I can even help?

This can be one of the positive things about social media, you can find places to talk if you need to.

Benny the Beagle is illustrating the crawl under the covers and hide method of coping. Today is the day he discovered this can be done on the bed not just on the couch. I am done for. I will always have a cold nose hitting my warm leg now.

*don’t take that for more than I mean


One response to “Talk to Me”

  1. I am the emotional one of late…but I am also able to step back and not react…be a backbone, so to speak! Probably my years of 911. I am sooo thankful for social media…and these companies like zoom who have made it possible to help us keep it together by being able to interact with each other!

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