I want to complain about something small, but big to me.

I have a department from the oncologists group that calls me once a year. It is the pharmacy department. They call me to see if I am having any problems with my meds, and my general welfare. I resent these calls mightily. Generally when they call the call is filtered by Verizon and also my Google Voice account as spam and as such goes directly to the voice mail. If I do not respond to their calls they will eventually call the oncologist office and “tell on me”.
I have spent some time this morning thinking about why I am so angry about these calls because I do not want to take out any anger on the person stuck with the job of calling me.
I spend a very large percentage of my time dealing with my disease.
I see my oncologist every threee months.
I see the cardiologist office every three months
I see the radiologist every three months
I see my family doctor every three to six months
I see a nurse for a shot every four weeks.
I go to laboratory every three weeks for blood work
I see a nurse for chemo every three weeks.
I see my family doctor every three to six months
Of these eight offices six of them ask me the same questions. How am I feeling, how am I reacting to the medicine, is anything new happening?
In my home, I exercise almost every day to keep my heart from deteriorating from the medicines I take. I take multiple medicines to help me live with the side effects of the medicines I take. I take supplements to give me what I need to bounce back from the medicines I take. I think about every bite of food I eat and how it will help or hinder the medicines and disease.
I have given up so many things for this cancer.
Having one more person call me, in my home, without anyone ever asking me if it was what I wanted, is intrusive. I do not care if it only takes a couple of minutes, those are my minutes. MINE. They could be the nicest person in the world, and they usually are, but that doesn’t mean they have a right to my time.
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