I have been having so much trouble sleeping the last few months. I start waking up at 11:30 and then every 30 minutes or so after that. I do the start falling asleep and then startle awake all night. I do not seem to sleep really deeply until about 6am. Not really working with my schedule.
One of the stranger things I get up to is to dream snippets. Something about that kind of sleep pattern causes weird dreams. Last night I spent a while having a dream that I was sleeping and in the dream I kept having terrible horrible nightmares every time I feel asleep. A nightmare inside a dream, inside a dream.
I also had a dream that I was doing double entry accounting. The credit portion of expenses suddenly made sense to me.
I dreamed that my daughter never came home and I was very upset. Then I finally realized she does not live here.
I dreamed my son did come home but there was something wrong. Something was going on outside and I did not think he was going to make it home safely.
I was listening to an audio book (not a dream) and they were talking about sleep. Old English book, and someone said it’s all well and good to put a comforter in a baby’s mouth when they are crying..took me a minute to realize they probably mean pacifier. If I am crying please do not stuff a comforter in my mouth.
I ended up taking an ambien about 4am. I wish the dogs would sleep a little later so I could skip the ambien and just sleep from 6 to 10 as my body seems to want to do.
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