

I have been having so much trouble sleeping the last few months. I start waking up at 11:30 and then every 30 minutes or so after that. I do the start falling asleep and then startle awake all night. I do not seem to sleep really deeply until about 6am. Not really working with my schedule.

One of the stranger things I get up to is to dream snippets. Something about that kind of sleep pattern causes weird dreams. Last night I spent a while having a dream that I was sleeping and in the dream I kept having terrible horrible nightmares every time I feel asleep. A nightmare inside a dream, inside a dream.

I also had a dream that I was doing double entry accounting. The credit portion of expenses suddenly made sense to me.

I dreamed that my daughter never came home and I was very upset. Then I finally realized she does not live here.

I dreamed my son did come home but there was something wrong. Something was going on outside and I did not think he was going to make it home safely.

I was listening to an audio book (not a dream) and they were talking about sleep. Old English book, and someone said it’s all well and good to put a comforter in a baby’s mouth when they are crying..took me a minute to realize they probably mean pacifier. If I am crying please do not stuff a comforter in my mouth.

I ended up taking an ambien about 4am. I wish the dogs would sleep a little later so I could skip the ambien and just sleep from 6 to 10 as my body seems to want to do.


2 responses to “Nightmares”

  1. I am really sorry. Bad sleep and nightmares must make it really hard to function.

    I won’t stuff a comforter in your mouth if you are crying!

    1. T Murray Avatar
      T Murray

      My fellow in sleep pattern issues, I am sure you understand. I am just exhausted. Today I stead of going to mahjong and losing because my brain is fuzzy I went to the grocery store and bought all the things that may or may not help you sleep.
      Just before I came here I was reading an article about the connection between dehydration and sleep issues. Sleep issues can cause dehydration, dehydration can cause sleep issues, and kidney issues can cause both. Thought it was interesting. I am always so so dehydrated. I am also always looking for that silver bullet that will fix everything with one simple change!

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