Okay – not really, just emptying my brain
You can understand without agreeing.
I am of course talking about Trump followers. I recently noticed that when Trump posts obviously inaccurate statements he now credits the source. I think this is an interesting look at his personality. I know people who do this. The pushing the blame onto someone else if you caught.
I understand the people who vote for him despite:
Wild nepotistic appointments – yes – but he will fix the economy
Ridiculous Narcissist behavior – yes – but he will stand up to everyone and get things done.
Appointments to key positions of people who can help him – yes – but he will clean up the government.
I think you can tell yourself that his faults are not as important as his actions will be, regardless of his faults.
Do I agree with this? No. 100% no. I think there are people, somewhere, who can hold office who also have integrity and compassion and will try to keep all people safe. I also do not think he will do any of the things he promised, but obviously some people do.
I think about It the same as I think about a psychiatrist., 👩🏼⚕️ they can understand the way a someone with massive mental health issues thinks even though they do not have the same issues.
Okay – back to less controversial things
Insomnia cycle
I spent a week on the wake at 4am cycle – and then two days ago it switched to 1am. I am getting a lot of podcasts listened to but really not enjoying it. I wish so much that there was a quick and easy and drug free way to stop this. Sorry – not asking for advice. I have been this way for a very long time and have tried so many things. Not helping the whole holiday atmosphere
I am a Motorola person. I have just always had such good luck with them. Many years ago I switched to buying the Moto G Power line of phones. They are inexpensive and the battery lasts just a ridiculously long time. Because they are so inexpensive I could get out my need for new tech by buying a new one every couple of years without guilt. But….The Razr. I have wanted a Razr since they reintroduced with the foldable. But have talked myself out of it because honestly I do not use my phone that much. But I did it. I bought one last week and it gives me a happy little warm spot whenever I see it.
Yesterday my doctor and I ended up singing during our appointment and then he hugged me. It was awesome.
When I feel bad, physically, from the drugs occasionally I think I do not want to do this anymore and I realized the other day that my brain 🧠 also thinks next time I will do it different.
I think this is probably how religions are still a thing. People need to know that maybe after this life things will be better.
And then the side effects wear off and I am all back to normal.
I was going to drive someplace today that I do not normally drive and I just looked up and the morning news was showing a huge traffic backup in the area and they traffic guy said “and it will be like this for some time” . The timing of this is quirky! What are the odds that a few hours ago I was picturing the route in my head and then suddenly it is on my tv saying – no, do not go that way.
Okay, time to go workout and see if it gives me some oomph to get through at least the morning.

I was going to upload a random image of something I have taken a picture of recently and look at the first one I saw! My phone! :)☎️
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