Anyway Last Night as I was getting into bed I dropped my iPad mini onto the top of my foot. I was not happy about it.
It was super painful and then within just a couple of minutes when stiffly numb because the top of my foot was swelling.

But was is fascinating to me today is that I have a small bruise on the top of my foot BUT was woken up multiple times by a sharp stabbing pain on the BOTTOM of my foot! It is sorcery! When ever I move my foot it feels like I’m stepping on a little sharp pin!

It’s not really very painful at all though I suspect when the swelling goes away I may decide to not wear shoes.
I’m in a much better mood today. I spent much time laughing yesterday. I am going to venture to Costco today. I haven’t been inside a Costco in a very very long time. I will be going in with the knowledge that ALL of the people will be there and ramming me with their carts, and that it’s okay. No hurry.
I downloaded this audiobook from the library yesterday and I’m going to swap out listening to my unintentional soft porn thriller story to this for awhile.

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