Last Night

Haha – according to my preview no one is going to see that video.

Anyway Last Night as I was getting into bed I dropped my iPad mini onto the top of my foot. I was not happy about it.

It was super painful and then within just a couple of minutes when stiffly numb because the top of my foot was swelling.


But was is fascinating to me today is that I have a small bruise on the top of my foot BUT was woken up multiple times by a sharp stabbing pain on the BOTTOM of my foot! It is sorcery! When ever I move my foot it feels like I’m stepping on a little sharp pin!

My TOE hurts!

It’s not really very painful at all though I suspect when the swelling goes away I may decide to not wear shoes.

I’m in a much better mood today. I spent much time laughing yesterday. I am going to venture to Costco today. I haven’t been inside a Costco in a very very long time. I will be going in with the knowledge that ALL of the people will be there and ramming me with their carts, and that it’s okay. No hurry.

I downloaded this audiobook from the library yesterday and I’m going to swap out listening to my unintentional soft porn thriller story to this for awhile.


4 responses to “Last Night”

  1. I see the video.

    Ouchy. Your foot injury is weird but I guess everything is connected.

    That book looks interesting.

    1. I was out for dinner last night discussing my bad attitude this week and some specific instances that were annoying me and she was telling me that she was working with someone regarding the same issues that morning and referencing this book. So far it is interesting.
      Everything is connected!! When I get a massage I’m sure I drive my LMT crazy because it’s jus so fascinating to me that she pushes a spot on my shoulder and my nose starts running or she pushes a spot on my hip and foot goes hot. These things are the reason I never discount acupuncture or accupressure. It just makes sense to me.

  2. Susan Joos Avatar
    Susan Joos

    Uh-oh! Sounds like maybe a broken toe, and that can be so painful. You may not like shoes much for quite a while!

    Costco could be quite an experience. Wear some jingle bells and see if that helps. 😉

    I miss shopping. Enjoy it a little bit extra for me!

    1. I will do my best to enjoy any bit or piece of it! 🙂

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