Jewelry with a Bite

I really love the necklace I had made. It suits me.

I am almost all Namaste’ish but there is definitely a dash of Come At Me Bro in there . The older I get the less tolerant I am of being affected by others bullshit and meanness. I enjoy reaching up and touching the back of my necklace as that little valve in my brain starts to whistle.

I have been thinking of other things I could have put on there and who in my life it would suit.

How about Breathe and STFU?

The serene Imagine ready to flip to Get Away from Me.

Maybe Peace & Love balanced by I Hate You?

My next one would say Radiate Joy on the front and Fuck Off on the back. I cannot order it because then my brain would have an internal fight about which one to wear. Ooooo, I wonder if they do bracelets?


One response to “Jewelry with a Bite”

  1. Think you might’ve read my mind on the ‘Breathe’ – ‘STFU” one. Love these!

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