Are you ever sitting there lost in thought and suddenly you wonder how in the heck you started thinking about the effect of dust on iguanas so you stop and try and trace your thoughts backward?
Why did women start hiding their pregnant bellies?
- Pregnancy was considered a subject you didn’t talk about
- Pregnancy is caused by sex
- Sex is considered something you don’t talk about
- Women were not supposed to be have sex except with their husbands
- Sex was considered a base desire that refined women didn’t have
- Only unrefined poor people had a lot of children / sex
At some point in our evolution we got to this but how? We would have started differently. We started as creatures living day to day/hour to hour using our instincts. Sex and babies would have been instinctual, right? There was probably a super super high infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate. In order for the population to grow there would have been multiple partners and multiple babies. Women would have had trouble caring for multiple infants at one time in their difficult and unstable life. Once they had a baby they would probably not want another one too soon. As women evolved they would have stopped having sex in order to stop having babies to be able to take care of themselves and the babies they had.
Anywho….I think I am catching a cold. I hope not. I hope it’s just seasonal changes.
I got my blood work results and my TSH is high. Hopefully this is the reason I have been feeling so super fatigued for quite a while, and so oddly cold! I have spent a lot of summer wearing extra clothes or looking for patches of sun to warm up in.
I need a vegan Italian themed dessert.
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