So this is what happened….
I went to Costco with Mr. Murray and we were looking at dog beds. He may, or may not, have a strange obsession with buying dog beds. I’m more of a throw a blanket down there. So he finds a nice dog bed for big dog. Even cooler they are vacuum sealed and stacked so It’s super easy to grab one and carry it, and you know it’s all nice and clean and germ free.
We go, we buy it, we’re heading out. Get halfway to the doors and a woman comes walking super quickly towards us and says “excuse me, can I see that?” And puts her hand on my dog bed, firmly! I am startled. Also gripping my receipt like a talisman when she tells me – it shouldn’t be sealed up, and pulls out her knife.
Now, this is mine, I’ve paid for it, get your hands off my plastic! And then she says – there are two in there. Oh…I get it, she’s confused. I say, no, it’s not, it’s just all squished up from the vacuum seal. This turns into a yes there is, no there isn’t conversation which is unproductive. But I persist. I would probably not normally argue about something like this, but I liked the sterility of the packaging! It was just so lovely and untouched, I didn’t want her to open it!
And then it happens…. she splits the plastic the vacuum seal is broken the beds start expanding…and yes…you read that correctly, the BEDS start expanding. I am in fact attempting to steal a second dog bed, albeit through stupidity.
I apologize, and say oh…oops? She looks dubious.
Probably not allowed in Costco anymore.

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