Bitching, moaning


Had to cut the last mile from my ride this morning because a centipede was stalking me. It became a whole thing!

Must go to the post office today, my table looks like a staging area for Santa. I have been out of mailers for a month and finally got them yesterday.

I was scrolling through FB this morning and I saw a post from a group I do not belong to. It was a post about someone seeing something interesting at a thrift shop. She stated she did not buy it.
Then she came back and edited and said after all the people commented she went back and bought it. I thought it was terribly interesting to see the peer pressure at work. I saw this, I did not like it. Everyone else said I should like it, so now I like it.

I do not go to thrift shops generally because I would buy everything shiny.

This morning at 3am I woke up to both of my thumbs being numb. I believe I may have actually said WTF out loud. I am used to various parts of my shoulder, hands and arms going numb because of the thoracic outlet syndrome but usually it is not thumbs on both sides. That does not even make sense. I think I then did a strange impression of Fonzie trying to get circulation going again.


4 responses to “Bitching, moaning”

  1. Nina Brown Avatar
    Nina Brown

    Ya that’s weird…. I never even thought about my thumbs until they started getting stiff and popping from arthritis. Now they are in my mind daily…thumbs….who knew they would ever be a Thing!🤣

    1. I know!! All those parts of our bodies we took for granted.

  2. Susan Joos Avatar
    Susan Joos

    Yikes, a centipede!!! Pretty sure I am going to run into some strange bugs from all the plants we brought inside.

    My thumbs are just weird from arthritis, especially my right thumb. Looks like someone drew it very badly, with a strange crook and writing callus.

    We have Christmas stuff strewn EVERYWHERE. Apparently we are restringing lights on the tree this year so I estimate a week of total chaos while we sort all the rest of the Christmas stuff out.

    Love it when it’s done but I am fast approaching being content with only minor decor. I remember when I was HORRIFIED that my grandma wasn’t putting up a tree. For years we went over and put it up for her. In retrospect I’m sure she could have cared less about the tree, but appreciated the company.

    1. I was willing to share space with him until he snuck up on me and was crawling on the ceiling over my head, then fell. Nope.

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