No, only incidentally
I was listening to an interview with A.C. About his podcast this morning. His podcast is about dealing with grief. He has listened to 46 hours worth of voice mails from people talking about their grief.
This got my brain wobbling along on one of its favorite tracks. It is not healthy to depend on outside sources for all of your emotional support. You have to be able to face your emotions, good or bad, and investigate them, and deal with them alone. This is not about not needing or wanting other people in your life to share things with but instead about abdicating all of the responsibility for your life to someone else.
It is not healthy, and it is not fair to the other person.
Also it was Boniva Sunday and chemo Tuesday so my stomach hurts. 🙁 Expect much complaining about everything and everyone this week.
Let’s see if WP is allowing pictures again.

I with I had never seen this. It is stuck in my brain…..
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