An Addition to the Family!

No….not a new puppy or cat!

I balance on a very fine line when I post about my family because for some reason my offspring do not share my need to tell everyone on the internet everything! Go figure! I do try to be respectful.

My son is the least social media presence of all of us but …..

My son and his partner Raph are getting married!

I really like Raph which makes it even better!

I wonder if Raph will become a Murray in name as well? Adding people to the family is part of my long term diabolical plan. Keep adding people so I have a whole bunch to take care of me and bring me candy. Raph has brought me vegan baked goods from the most amazing vegan bakery in Michigan. I am so mercenary.

Mostly I just hope they are both happy ❤️


9 responses to “An Addition to the Family!”

  1. Linda C Avatar
    Linda C

    Awww, congratulations 🎊 ❤️

  2. Katie Brupbacher Avatar
    Katie Brupbacher

    Congratulations Ralph and Tracy’s son! You have a great. MIL!

    1. Mary Noel Avatar
      Mary Noel

      Congrats!!! Big families rock!

    2. Jen Balogh Avatar
      Jen Balogh

      Oh Happy Day!!!!
      Please tell the beautiful couple that I said CONGRATS!!!!!

      1. Susan Baker Avatar
        Susan Baker


  3. Congratulations 🎉🎉

  4. Nina Brown Avatar
    Nina Brown


  5. Susan Joos Avatar
    Susan Joos

    Congratulations! 🍾

  6. Carol Stamm Avatar
    Carol Stamm


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