Woke up in a PANIC this morning

I have been sleeping really heavy this week and then last night I kept waking up but i was really out of it, not the normal oh hey it’s 4 am and I am wide awake waking up! So just awake, asleep, awake, asleep for a lot of the night.

I dreamt that it was today and I had appointments all day and I was just confused and and trying to get them all straight. Then I dreamt what for me is a recurring nightmare. In my dream I had a cage with a couple of mini cockatiels and when I went to the cage suddenly it was full of birds because I had neglected them and they reproduced. What the giant pigeon that was tangled in my black bra had to do with it, I do not know.

So both dreams give me feelings of out of control and not taking care of things. Uhg.

So I do have one and a half appointments today. The half is just stopping someplace to pick up some RediCat-Cat for Thursday. My other appointment is at a salon where I will be getting a lash lift. I was going to buy a kit and do it at home but then I decided I wanted the first time to be with a professional. So, let’s call it an early birthday present and do a little pampering.

The doll I made to look like Willy Wonka went to its’ new home the other day and I woke up yesterday to a video of her opening it. I grabbed a screenshot and blanked out faces so I could share a little of the joy.

There’s a Candy Man buried in that hug somewhere

Onto making my next one which I don’t expect will have quite the same reaction. 🙂


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