Okay, I know it’s only Wednesday but this has been a long and strange week. Yesterday I kept forgetting what day it was. Today I am feeling much closer to being my normal Tracy self.

I grab pictures all the time to share but then a week later forget why I grabbed them. I should start using Twitter for that. I grabbed this one yesterday because it made me laugh. I was looking at SeaBand to try for chemo nausea. I’m really having a problem with it. However the related items leave me with little faith that it will work.

Today I was thinking about dog training. Benny is still such a bully to Dusty & Frank. The only behavior that’s really aggravating is he uses his teeth to hold them captive. He uses his teeth for everything! I haven’t been doing well at training him. Dusty does not like me to work with Benny and sticks her very large body in the way when you try to do anything. We had another dog, Polly, who would bite you when she was happy. All the time. We taught her about getting a toy to carry in her mouth. I wonder if they same idea will work for Benny. Every time he bites grab a bone and throw it in his mouth. Yelling and being annoyed isn’t really working well so might as well try something new. 🙂
I did not vote yesterday. I feel bad about it. 🙁
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