Today’s List

  1. Must remember to charge my keyboard
  2. clean the bedroom
  3. go to dinner

okay, not quite as exciting as yesterday.

My coconut water kefir came out pretty good! I’ve been doing lots of reading on it. My next couple of batches will be made with spring water to make sure my kefir grains stay healthy. I hope I like the flavor. I would rather use water because of the cost. If I’m using organic coconut water it makes more sense to just buy bottles of the stuff. Okay, not quite, but…

Kefir water contains pro and prebiotics and is a fermented food. I have been trying to find ways to add fermented foods into my daily life because it is a category I am missing. Fermented foods are also really good for your arterial health.

I love the colors of this flower

I’m still trying to get my body back on track after Tuesday’s lunch of redicat. Sometimes I have no problem with it, sometimes it makes me quite sickly for a few days.

When they released the dye into my IV on Tuesday it was quite painful. At one point it caused me to yelp, which caught me off guard. I discussed it with the tech and she suggested that next time I ask them to slow down the rate of push. It only hurts occasionally but when it does it is kind of scary. I must try to remember in three months.


2 responses to “Today’s List”

  1. Susan Joos Avatar
    Susan Joos

    It must be a little like what happens when the dentist injects Novocain before working on your teeth. I always had such a problem even going to the dentist because it would just hurt so bad and I have a thing about needles anyway. Finally I found a dentist where it was amazingly different! He explained that it was a matter of taking time with it. Not only did he take the time to make sure the gum was well-numbed before he even started the injection, he would do a slow injection, and that made ALL the difference! I was so glad his successor followed the same practice; once our insurance changed and we had to go somewhere else and it was AWFUL! They just jammed in that needle, and it was so painful that tears would drip down my face. I hope that technique will work for you and that you find some people who will accommodate you. It can make all the difference!

    1. Oh, that’s terrible. Because taking the extra three minutes would really cost them? Jerks.

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