Things I don’t have anyone to say to

  1. I looked up “how to cut off a GPS ankle monitor” yesterday just because I was curious. I always wonder if anyone ever looks at my search history.
  2. I wonder if you can get addicted to ashwagandha. I have been putting it in my morning drink for the last couple of months and ran out and found myself thinking about it every day. It tastes like shit so could it be a physical thing my body missed?
  3. I also bought some spirulina so now my green algae looking drink will be a blue green algae looking drink. Between that and the Golden Milk I cannot imagine what a surgeon would see if they cut into my stomach. A rainbow? 🌈
  4. Yesterday I officially decided that my husband and I were sick, but then found out my daughter didn’t feel well either. Since I haven’t seen her in FOREVER it is probably allergies for all of us. Either way, this has not been my best week.
  5. I was playing with a Halloween pattern and grabbed the first yarn available which happened to be pastel variegated I used for heart pillows so not quite the spooky look I am going for.
  6. Is it the same if someone is mean because they are just mean, or do they get a break if they’re mean but do not realize they are mean?
  7. I noticed last week that my oncology nurses are never old. Why is that?
  8. We have been invaded by plant gnats again so yesterday I sprinkled diatomaceous (food grade) earth on 50% of their homes in the planters and the gnats were MAD but today there seems to be significantly less! Happy to have found a solution. A peroxide solution works for the eggs but you have to do it so frequently that I kept forgetttingg.
  9. I am trying to work up the energy to go to the produce stand today but see #4
  10. Why has crypto tanked today?
  11. I am feeling anti-social and mean and like everyone hates me. I hope it has more to do with the sore throat and thumpy head.
  12. I think I will go get dressed now.


3 responses to “Things I don’t have anyone to say to”

  1. Susan Joos Avatar
    Susan Joos

    Oh gosh, I recommend a Covid test. That is exactly how my last fight with it started. I was convinced it was allergies. Should have know when pain relievers and Zyrtec did nothing. If it is, you can get Paxlovid soon enough to help. Allen got to start his right away and he tested out in 7 days. I had to wait over the weekend and it was 18 days. Don’t be me.

    Also I think being mean ON PURPOSE is far, far different than accidentally being mean. People that do mean things to “get you back” after a perceived and accidental meanness really flummox me.

    I had more, but now I can’t see your post, so I forget. I hate when I feel like you are feeling right now.

    1. 18 days! That’s crazy. I was thinking about popping a Covid test open. I’ve just taken so many negative ones in the last four years I am starting to feel silly. 🙂
      I am glad you are finally feeling better

  2. Susan Joos Avatar
    Susan Joos

    Haha, I know, I have used a lot of tests, too. Mostly negative, thank goodness!

    I hope this is negative, too, because this time around was not fun. I had a someone say to me that their last bout was so mild so that means that Covid is not as bad anymore.🙄

    I told them that was not my experience, but good for them.

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