I am missing things that I interact with regularly. One of them is my Garmin watch. It has broken. I thought I would probably try to not replace it. Do I really need it? why, yes…I DO!
It is just bizarre to me how many times I have looked down at my wrist in the last 48 hours and just see my bracelet. I have missed every text because my wrist does not vibrate. My heart was being floppy and I looked to reassure myself that I was still alive and no, no HR.
The weeks after a chemo infusion have an interesting curve when it comes to my resting heart-rate. Immediately after chemo it goes to a wacky high number and then for a week or so I watch it come back down to a nice reasonable number. Not this week. I dunno…maybe my heart rate is 2? Maybe it is 102?
The rest of the info is nice but it is those two things that I really miss.
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