Pain & Paint

Last night at not a real time o’clock I woke up with a muscle cramp in my calf. It was so bad the muscle (s) tensed up from the bottom of my foot all the way to middle of my rear! OMG I was one giant muscle cramp on the right side. I got it under control it what seemed like hours but was more likely seconds and it is still sore! I don’t think I’ve ever had a muscle cramp so bad that it hurt 12 hours later. Probably because I broke the pattern and wore shoes yesterday.

On the list of weird body things I have also had a spot on my knee itching on and off for the last 10 days or so. There is NOTHING THERE! No bug bite, no little dry patch but every once in while it just starts itching. Driving me nuts.

I have two different medical tests in the next 7 days. My standard CT w/contrast and also a full body bone scan. Expect pictures of a skeleton at some point. I told my husband I was having the bone scan and he said “do you really think that’s a good idea?” It seems every time I get a test done something new and unpleasant pops up!

I tried the color street nail strips for the first time. I want to see if they’ll help my nails stop tearing down the middle. I understand why people love them now. So easy and so many fun patterns. I bought a bunch a while ago and gave them away as add in’s in gifts for people but saved one set because it was paisley which is just one of my most favorite things ever. We’ll see how long it lasts and if it helps. My nails grow quickly they just tear off and sometimes the wrong direction. Not enough thickener and specialized nail lotion in the world to combat this many years of chemo.

I’ll do better on my next attempt!

I ordered a much less expensive set off amazon that is thicker and people say is helpful for thin nails.

I am having dinner at a friends this evening and will take dessert. I think I will go look at a local orchard & bakery to see if anything looks fun. What I really want is a lovely fruit tart but I don’t feel like planning / shopping / cooking today.


  • Tami

    July 13, 2021 at 1:47 pm Reply

    Love those! So pretty! Good luck with the scans. Do you ever get to a point where you just are like, ‘eh, time for another shot’. I had wicked anxiety every single time Jim had to get one. He was always like nbd, it is what it is. But he probably just did that for me. Hopefully I didn’t bshow him the anxiety I had. But I mean he knew me, so he probably knew.

    • Tracy

      July 13, 2021 at 2:07 pm Reply

      I go back and forth. Sometimes I’m like yeah, whatev’s! But sometimes I feel like I’m almost at a panic attack and then I know it’s time for a break. If the scans are all good I will probably skip a chemo just to let myself breathe for a little bit.

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