A few months ago I ran across someone and started following them on Instagram. I am sure we connected because of either a cancer or chemo hashtag. This thursday I realized that not only were we both on long term courses of the same drug but we were on the same schedule. She was sitting in her chemo chair at the same time I was sitting in mine. That amused me. I sent her a message and said I didn’t really run across too many people on this drug and we exchanged a few sympathetic side-effect stories. One of the side effects I get is a headache and I haven’t seen that listed very often. Then she pointed me to a Facebook support group for the drug – Kadcyla.
EVERYONE gets a killer headache! My last round I didn’t get much of one but I am making up for it this time. It started thursday afternoon and it’s still hanging around. Headaches for me are a normal side effect of everything. Allergies, sleeplessness, too much sleep, too much alcohol, too much noise. It just really sucks the joy out of the day. I am pouring a large second cup of coffee down my throat in hopes that I can get motivated enough to do 20 minutes of cardio and then take a shower. That’s really all I will need to do today to feel accomplished.
HOWEVER – I have a strict no crochet rule today until I sort out my storage footstool of crochet and yarn. It’s gotten all messy and I can’t find things. I think soon I will put all the finished products up on facebook with a $5.00 shipping charge and offer them up to get them out. I mailed out some for gifts and have hand delivered one. I have three more people to deliver to in the area. I have some things that people have said they want and I would love to send them but they haven’t given me their address. This is a predicament because maybe they said they wanted them but didn’t really? Just thought they were being polite that way? I don’t know but then I am stuck. I don’t want to give them to someone else. I don’t know the rules for full of mistakes crochet items.
I would like to make at least one really pretty doll and clothes.
Also – we lost the dog food bowl. Just gone. Benny likes to grab Dustys bowl and carry it around so I am used to looking in high places for it, but not today. Today it is just POOF!
I have been writing in a paper diary/journal for the last two weeks. Nothing earth shattering, just notes. To-Do lists, random thoughts. I’ve quite enjoyed building the habit. Trying to redevelop the habit of writing for writings sake and not for public viewing.
A picture of bendy benny to close.

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