My Garmin VivoSmart 3 has a graph that measures my stress level. Last year I noticed something unusual and I would like to know what it means.
I have bitched and complained ad nauseam about my restless sleeping. I am, I am sure, the worlds lightest sleeper and wake up at any noise or movement. Normally I go back to sleep but I also have a problem, that seems fairly common, with a 2:30 am wake up. I am usually mostly awake from 2:30 until about 5am and then I crash again.
So here’s what I find interesting:

I don’t know if you can read it on there but when I sleep my stress level frequently skyrockets. Why??? How does that even make sense? Garmin tell me???
I wonder if it’s always been this way or if it became an issue over the last couple of years. I also wonder if my fatigue issue would improve if it didn’t look like this. I miss having energy.
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