So interesting reading the world through social media these days. One of the things I’ve noticed is all the people making fun of all the people panicking over the Corona virus, but you know what I haven’t noticed? Anyone actually panicking. Have you? Do you actually see/know anyone who is completely over the top and panicking about the virus or just the people being cautious?
I’m starting to think no one has seen the elusive panicked and it’s just we’ve been over-run by the people who love to make fun of people, even if they are just imagining those people are there. Maybe I am wrong.
Also I know far too many people IRL who are just always determined to be the opposite of what you say. Hey, can you believe how warm it is outside? Oh, really? I’ve been cold all day. Mmmmm, this soup is so good! It needs more salt.
You know what I mean? Sometimes it’s okay to just smile and say enthusiastically, yup! You’re right! I couple of times recently I have found myself falling into the pattern and it scares me. I don’t want to be like that.
Also – today has turned into pajama day! I dropped my car off at the mechanic again last night – I don’t want to talk about it – and I have had a pressure headache for the last couple of days. Not really sinus, not really stress, not really sick, just so much pressure in my head. So today I have watched 6 hours of television and eaten many cookies.
I caught up on Walking Dead, Naked & Afraid and 600lb Life and I was GOING to WATCH The Masked Singer but I accidentally read about the big reveal so I just deleted it. I hate it when people spoil shows for me. It’s like reading the last chapter of the book and then telling me what is going to happen. Just STFU! I enjoy the story unfolding whether it’s a book or reality tv. Knowing how it ends ruins it for me.
Oh – short break I answered the phone to talk to the mechanics. It is what I thought it was but not as expensive as it should have been. Nice mechanics. It is possible that I have bought a cursed car. I will be making a small Ford Focus VooDoo doll and then giving it love and respect.

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