Medical –
After six months on the new blood pressure med and tweaking and twitching I went to the Dr and we switched to a different one. The new one is Losartan. So far it is perfect. On a very low dose my BP is low, my feet swelling is minimal and the red spots the other one (the name has just disappeared from my brain) caused seem to be fading. Hopefully it will help my unhappy kidneys a bit more.
Social –
Still playing Mahjong 🀄️ on Mondays and enjoying it. 🙂 I want to buy some double racks but they are so pricey! Everything Mahjong is pricey. I will keep scoping out and see if I get lucky.
I am still feeling hermitty. It just feels like too much effort to talk to people or leave the house. Time just keeps slipping away. I am lucky to share my particular loner traits with family & friends so everyone else is the same way. We keep minimal contact until the friendly social wave happens to hit more than one of us at the same time and then laughing and joy ensue.
Physical –
I feel good, almost too good….. know what I mean? Makes me nervous
I am at the highest muscle percentage I have been since I started knowing there was such a thing. That is pretty damn cool. I have been trying to up my endurance but the chemo every three weeks really puts a bend in that particular road. I feel like I start over after every infusion. But I will keep trying, until I don’t. I work out 5 or 6 days a week. Will be doing that after I finish writing this.
My TOS is really causing havoc the last few weeks and I cannot seem to get out of this particular flare. It is not terrible (curl up with an ice pack on my neck and whimper) but I feel like I am walking a fine line. I am doing all the PT stretches and added some weights to some but again, fine line. Too much and it flares, too little and it flares. Even the muscle relaxer is suddenly not helping. It just occurred to me that this all coincides with me cutting drastically back on my vodka intake! Thought provoking. Maybe I should start adding some to my daily greens.
Funny anecdote-
I am frequently questioned about my giant mason jar of strange drinks. I usually take one with me to Mahjong. Yesterday was the infamous green as algae drink. It looks foul. I was playing at the end with two women that I rarely play with and one of them was asking me about what it was. I explained there were a lot of greens and grasses in it.
As I was leaving, grabbing all my things, I picked up a large vase filled with schefflera cuttings that were rooting and someone was kind enough to bring me, and the woman from the table looked at me with abject terror and said – Are you going to drink those!!!‽ Caught me completely off guard and made me laugh.
Random Picture –

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