Just a Tuesday

I am feeling so disconnected from everything lately. I am sure there is a large percentage of the population who feels exactly the same way I do. I just want to sit in my chair and eat chocolate and ignore everything and everybody. I am not sad or anything, just a hermit. There is no dance in my step.

I have been knitting a project and I just keep starting it over. I just caught up to where I was after pulling out six days worth of work. It’s strange to put so much time into something and feel like you aren’t getting anywhere, but if you pull it all out, you really are not going to make much progress.

Today both dogs are going in for grooming. Baths and nails trims, and defurring for all! Dusty is in drop a whole fur coat season, terrible.

We finally dropped cable last month so in some ways I have been vegging out in front of the television far more because I am finding new shows and binge watching them. I’ve also been listening to a bunch of audio books because I can’t read while I knit.

I have lost weight and fat and gained muscle. It is not some unknown force, I am have been working very hard at it. I am finally back to being able to wear 90% of my clothes that I outgrew last year. I have 7 more pounds to lose to put me at my preferred weight. Now 7 pounds probably does seem a lot to many people but since I am losing about a pound a month, that is still a long way to go! I mean, I could lose it by starving myself, but I do not. I lose weight by just paying attention, making smarter choices and putting in the physical work. Morning is 30 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of a yoga flow. Or vice versa depending on the day. So lifestyle changes versus a “diet’.

I do something called Tibetan Rite – it is 5 moves done multiple times and it is SO DIFFICULT. It is giving me abs. 🙂

My car looks so pretty inside after it had an interior detailing last week. Everything steamed and shampooed.

My husband came and sat down next to me while I was typing that last sentence, nothing completely empties your mind of thoughts to type like someone reading over your shoulder. When I was learning how to knit socks I went to my cousins house and she taught me. When she looked at me I was unable to knit a stitch. It is like stage fright.

Last week I had lunch with my sister for the first time in 18 months. That was super nice!

My screen is now full of fur because aforementioned husband was petting afore mentioned shedding dog and the fur has just swamped me.

Okay – washer is done! Time for a shower.


  • Susan Joos

    May 11, 2021 at 2:22 pm Reply

    I am still trying to lose weight gained from last year and it is not going well even though I ramped up the physical work this year, so kudos to you! I do at least one Silver Sneakers workout every day and recently joined this year’s Run/Walk Club, so I am still hopeful.

    If it ever gets nice there will yard work to do, too.

    You can’t appreciate the quantity of fur an animal can lose until you experience it for yourself. Doesn’t seem like they can hold that much fur on their bodies!

    • tlm0000

      May 11, 2021 at 2:24 pm Reply

      Good for you on trying!
      SO MUCH FUR!

  • Nina

    May 12, 2021 at 3:54 am Reply

    Great post!!

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