It’s Hereditary

When you come to my house to pick something up, if I know you well enough, you will also find candy in your package. Doesn’t matter if you’re picking up papers, or a doll or a box of food, there will be candy or if you’re very lucky my favorite fruit snacks. Why you ask? I have no idea. I just always put candy in. Yes, that means I always have candy in the house. What do you think I am, a Neanderthal?

Today I went to pick up some coffee from my niece* and she included a little bag of starburst!

Starburst and Coffee!

I laughed. It’s funny the things all the females in my bloodline share. Wicked sarcasm, exploding head syndrome and the need to gift random candy.

I love my little family.

*My niece also found the missing piece to my perfect cup of coffee in my new coffee maker! I know what kind of coffee I like, Italian Roast. I know what method I like, Pour-Over. I spent a long time looking for a pour-over that would allow me to let the grounds soak for a few minutes and my blogging about it helped because a FB friend pointed me to this:

The Clever Coffee Dripper

Now it was ALMOST perfection but I couldn’t get the richness from the coffee that I wanted. I found myself adding more and more coffee. Until today. My niece ground the coffee (she works at Starbucks YAY!) and it is a finer grind than I have been using. It was SO good!!! So there you go.

Also – I just noticed this little tidbit of information on a missing shipment. Notice anything peculiar? Idaho to Ohio by way of San Juan!



3 responses to “It’s Hereditary”

  1. Erin OBryan Avatar
    Erin OBryan

    She brought me Ethiopian Coffee so smooth. I thought folgers was the only one for me.

    1. tlm0000 Avatar


  2. Susan Joos Avatar
    Susan Joos

    That’s so fun! Just a little extra happiness!

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