I have in the past used social media to express dissatisfaction with companies. It is a very effective way to get your message across. Luckily I have not had too many bad experiences in the last few years. Now I am faced with a dilemma. Twitter is by far the most likely to garner a response from a company but I stopped using Twitter. I just could not support a company with an owner with so many creepy ideas and a platform to spread them. So, I will type here and ponder it.
Here’s the thing!!
My insurance insists I use Express Scripts for my prescriptions or face a penalty of paying more and only able to receive my maintenance meds a month at a time. Cool, cool,cool. E.S. has been pretty reliable so whatever.
A few months ago I started having a lot of trouble opening the bottles of medicine. It is only difficult the first time you open them. I put it down to arthritis and just general meh’ ness. The other night I had to open two new bottles and I could not do it. I was very frustrated because I had to ask my husband to open them for me. I do not like being dependent for daily tasks on someone else. I hopped on E.S.’s website to find a non-childproof cap option, there was not one. I thought that was strange but whatever. Sent them a message. My message started with I cannot open these bottles how do I switch to other lids.
I received a reply from them today. Definitely a carefully worded canned reply which tells me they were ready for the complaint. They let me know that their NEW flexible lids can be switched to being not childproof by FIRST OPENING THEM and then shutting them gently. So in order to make the bottles I cannot open easier to open I must first open them???

Whatever….another cost cutting measure I am sure. The also let me know if I still wanted to switch lids I would have to call them AND my orders would be delayed. hmm, do I see a veiled threat there that I will not get my maintenance meds on time? I have of course sent them back a message asking what they expect people to do if they live alone and cannot open the bottles.
Anyway – if anyone else runs into a problem like this may I introduce you to Mark Cuban and his low cost mail order pharmacy COST PLUS where without using my insurance my meds for 90 days at a time WILL COST ME LESS
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