Is there always this kind of weirdness about the Super Bowl halftime show and I’ve just been not noticing? It’s just music people! I actually watched most of the game which is fairly unusual. The difference in having a television that allows me to actually see the football in...

Cleaning Out

I have at least 4 blogs pinballing in my head. So I will start with this one. Epiphany!!! The reason I haven’t been reading or writing is because it takes too much time. Most things I do, I can do two things at once, even if the one is...

Just another ….

Day after chemo. This time is was at about the 27 hour mark that everything has started hitting. I feel all squishy and emotional and my stomach feels like I drank some blood. I know that’s an odd thing to have your stomach feel like but I get this...

Last Night

Anyway Last Night as I was getting into bed I dropped my iPad mini onto the top of my foot. I was not happy about it. It was super painful and then within just a couple of minutes when stiffly numb because the top of my foot was swelling....

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