Category: Uncategorized
Slapping at Windmills
My Quest for Sleep Last month my sleep issues decided to just lose their every loving mind and became unbearable. My ambien even stopped working. Then one night I slept. One glorious wonderful night. I was determined to repeat this magical event so I did everything the same the next day. Ate the same foods,…
uhg I have been having so much trouble sleeping the last few months. I start waking up at 11:30 and then every 30 minutes or so after that. I do the start falling asleep and then startle awake all night. I do not seem to sleep really deeply until about 6am. Not really working with…
Just Catching Up
Okay – not really, just emptying my brain You can understand without agreeing. I am of course talking about Trump followers. I recently noticed that when Trump posts obviously inaccurate statements he now credits the source. I think this is an interesting look at his personality. I know people who do this. The pushing the…
Life Insurance
aka The Good Samaritan? I had an interesting conversation yesterday with someone that made me delve into the world of life insurance. They said that one of their old, from childhood policies contacted them and offered them a free cancer screening blood test. I will assume that it is this one: Galleri I could not…
Where is the moment we needed the most? You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost.
I had a bad day yesterday. I am not sure what happened. I just crashed. Lost all energy, couldn’t think, couldn’t focus, couldn’t sit up.The only thing I can think is that usually the days after chemo I really take it easy and this time I had things to do every day. Nothing major, nothing…
Modest Mouse
Float On I have now, since last Monday developed floaters in my eye. There should really be a more dignified term. I am not happy about this turn of events AT ALL and they better just go away. Mine looks sort of like this but it’s one large wormy looking one that is much darker…
All you really need is a smile The other day I met someone and I did not have a very good first impression of them. I thought they seemed rude and unfriendly and oblivious to the people and circumstances surrounding them. This went on for a while. I was watching, as I always do, and…
I cannot think of a pithy title What do you think of AI? I did not watch the VP debate last night. I turned it on for a couple of moments a few times and then turned it off when they annoyed me. I do not particularly like Walz as a VP candidate but I…
A brief Story
Things to remember Benny the crazy ass beagle ran out the back door one day because the neighbors grandkids were all out in the yard playing and really really wanted to join in. I went outside to try and harness the tornado of beagle madness and while walking him back to my yard he yanked…