For the last couple of years I have been having infusions every three weeks of Kadcyla. In apples to oranges comparison it has relatively mild side effects.

I get nauseated for a couple of days. I’ve been doing it for so long that just looking at the picture made my stomach flip. (You should see my face when I smell alcohol after five years of chemo drips) I get a bastard of a headache either that night or the next day. My skin hasn’t had actual moisture in years. My peripheral neuropathy gets worse as time goes one. Recently I discovered the connection between Kadcyla and UTI frequency. Yeah, that was a painful discovery.
One of the things I’ve noticed is that for about a week or so after every infusion my brain gets weird. The biggest thing is I seem to lose recall. I’ll see an actress on television that I’ve seen a hundred times and suddenly I cannot for anything remember her name. This is in fact happening right this second. My husband is watching A League of Their Own and I cannot for anything think of the name of the lady who plays Dottie. She was married to Jeff Goldblum. I know it’s a thing, it happens when you get older, you forget things, but it’s not the same. It’s like someone just stock some sort of block in my eye to brain pathway. I find it very frustrating.
That’s it, just a little bit of whining. 🙂
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