Tag: toledoOh

  • Bits & Pieces

    Wildlife I saw my hummingbird twice today I think he/she does not feel comfortable on the feeders because they do not stay long. They hit one, then the other, then poof, gone! which is why no matter how carefully you look you will not see a hummingbird in this picture The other day I saw…

  • And so there was light..

    I had the funniest thing happen. Well, at least it amused me. I have an old Dell laptop that I use. (Latitude6440) I bought it as a refurb fourish years ago. It has been a nice little laptop. I only use it for website work and accounting generally. When I first received it I had…

  • All Beat Up!

    I wasn’t going to talk about this because it seems so overblown and dramatic of me but then this morning I woke up feeling like someone punched me in the side, so now I am just annoyed. Yesterday was my quarterly echocardiogram which is usually about the most innocuous test you can have. The only…