Tag: Cardio


    (And not in the talk like a pirate day) I use to do posts where I just bullet pointed all the things that were aggravating me. Nothing big, just a way to get the complaints out of me and let go. Maybe I should start that again because I can feel the annoyances building up…

  • UnBreak My Heart

    Why Cardio will probably save your life in more ways than one Soooooooo I’ve been on this chemo drug since 2018. Stage 4 since 2014 – just under 9 years if anyone is counting (Go ME!) As you probably guessed from my checkins at the Toledo Clinic every three months I have a CT Scan…

  • Just a ramble

    Last night I dreamed I went to Manderly…er..uh..no, that’s not right. Last night I dreamed I was at my amazing Camp Mak-A-Dream and it was horrible! Instead of days of laughter and love and feeling accepted and cared for I was in a cabin with a group of people who all knew each other and…