
And Solution

The other morning, as in 4am, during the midst of a four day streak of sleeplessness I started feeling much anxiety because I kept thinking, I want to take a sleeping pill but the problem is in two hours at 6am Frank will wake me up to eat. If I take a pill now I will wake up, stumble around and trip on a gate and fall into my recycling bin AGAIN.

So the steps to solving my presented themselves in a strange order in my brain involving tablet sitting next to me, lots of Ibotta money*, and Amazon.


Now I am slowly cutting back the portions so Mr Glutton can eat only his prescribed amount.

He has not woken me up since it arrived. Of course my brain still wakes me up at 6:30, but hey! Thirty Minutes is Thirty minutes!

*also it did not actually cost very much at all. I am sure there are many lovely fancy ones that cost much ore if you are so inclined, but this one does the trick.


2 responses to “Problem”

  1. Nina Brown Avatar
    Nina Brown


  2. itsmemb Avatar

    What a great idea! Enjoy your rest!

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