I do not generally say much online about politics because honestly there is no point. I discovered the people I reach all think very similarly to me so it is the proverbial preaching to the choir.
This morning as I watch the news I am just struck by the people surrounding our president. They are all people that fit a certain type. The people who do not fit that type are all gone.
These people are all part of a giant political machine and have spent their adult lives being part of the system. They stand behind the actions of whomever is in power in order to wield their own power. It will be interesting to see what happens if there is a shift and they decide that in order to retain their power in the future they need to hop off this train. I do not think their loyalty is to the man, just to the perks.

To those of you climbing mountains today, both real and figurative I hope you find a path that challenges you but gets you where you need to be.
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