It’s funny to be at an age that when thinking of a new car you start thinking of it being your last car.
My car is a 2012 so everything falls out of warranty very soon. My car has been great and I would highly recommend. It is also in very very good shape for Trade-in so for the last year or so I have been non-aggressively looking at cars. I haven’t found any that have all the features I want. Probably because I want ALL the features!
So I decided to have my car detailed on the inside. A full on spa day. Get rid of all the dog mud and fur and old gyms smells. Upholstery cleaned and everything shiny. That will be happening this morning. After a month of dealing with the recommended car detailer I started thinking it would be less work to buy a new car but on a whim I contacted one that popped up in my neighborhood app and I have a good feeling. He is super responsive and polite and like all local people on their own, has a terrible website. Last night he finally put my address into his maps and discovered we live a mile from each other so also convenient.
I look forward to recommending him on all the sites after he’s done. You have to be really bad for me to publicly criticize but if you do a nice job I’ll tell everyone.

I also bought a seat cover for my back seat so hopefully I will be able to have a little more time before it’s terrible again. I haven’t even taken it out of the box while I wait for my clean. Sure hope it’s in good shape and not damaged or the wrong color or anything. 🙂
Sadly I also made a grooming appointment for both dogs which is in 7 days. So I will have to enjoy my clean car while it lasts.
Dusty went to a new groomer last time and she was awesome!! But for this trip since it’s both dogs they are going back to their old groomer. Benny hasn’t been there in about two years. While I was making the appointment I said poor Bennys claws are so long they look like bird talons. The owner kind of gasped and asked with fear in his voice “has he not had his nails trimmed since he was last here?” Uh No…he gets them trimmed at the vet. Beagle nails grow so fast. Dustys nails are so long now she has started sliding on our floors. I think the fact that the dogs eat higher quality food than us is evident in their crazy fast growing nails. Franks nail are the same way. Maybe I should start eating their food.
If you are wondering about my lack of yarn posts it’s because I started something new that will be a gift for someone so I have had to go dark. It is much more difficult for me to make something that I know is going to be a gift. I have pulled it all out, or as those in the know call it, frogged it, three times already and started over. I am NOT a perfectionist but I do want it to not be visibly wrong.
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