Let’s have a talk about my newest neighbor.
When I sit on my deck, or in my livingroom I see a row of homes behind me. These home are all rental properties belonging to, from what I hear, one of the worst rental companies in the area.
Because they are rentals I have seen quite a few people come and go from the home closest to me. For me, it is like television. One of the renters was a nice man who was mostly only home on the weekends and then during the summer suddenly an older woman and some kids sprung up! That was interesting putting all of the information together to make a picture.
Last summers renters were a younger woman and man and they got a puppy names Scarlett. That was fun watching her grow.

The current neighbor is a slowly unraveling mystery. I cannot see the garage unless I am out in the street or at my mailbox. One day last fall I saw a car pull into the garage which was quite surprising because I thought the house was unoccupied. Over the next few months I saw the car a couple of times but what I never saw was a person, or any lights on inside. I decided maybe someone was actually just using the garage!
Last weekend my dogs started very audibly losing their minds. They went nuts. It was because there was suddenly a person floating above the fence! Okay, not really but it probably looked that way to them. It was a man on a ladder at the back door. When the dogs hit my back door, He smiled, I smiled and we both went on our way. He was installing a camera above the back door. I can tell it is a blink camera because it looks just like mine. Then I saw him go to the side door an install a camera there.
So obviously someone is actually living there, but that means It has been many many months now and not once have I seen a light, at all.
Gladys Kravitz

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