Everything is irritating me this last week.
I search a lot of recipes. Mostly just for fun, occasionally I’ll twist them until three are unrecognizable and make them. What I never do is watch them on video. Stop with the YouTube Recipes! Write the damn thing down!
If you have a food and or nutrition blog/instagram/facebook stop showing me pictures of you in skimpy clothes. Show me you holding the printed recipe!
Okay – here’s the touchy one.
If I see these four things in the same day on your social media just know that it is taking every part of me not to throw up a big meme;
- Michael Vick shouldn’t be free because he abused animals
- A picture of a rescue dog / cat in terrible shape
- A snuggled picture of you and your amazing most perfect love of your life dog
- A picture of the amazing steak dinner you had to celebrate something.

I try really hard not to go around telling everyone you shouldn’t eat meat because of the cruelty we inflict on the animals in our factory farming of animals. I do not post pictures of it, and I rarely post links to articles about it. So stop constantly telling me how much you hate people who are cruel to animals if you are still eating meat that came from horrific circumstances. Limit yourself to hypocrisy once a week or so. Or maybe put a disclaimer? “I hate cruelty to Cats & Dogs but all the other animals are fair game for torture”.
I truly do believe it’s your choice. I don’t think less of people who choose to eat meat. I use to eat meat. I just think less of people who so loudly and relentlessly show their hypocrisy.
Thanks! I feel better now! I really need some sugar. Like a giant cookie or a whole cake. Maybe I’ll start with something to drink and see if I can remove the craving.
Oops – also – all images are just randomly grabbed from the internet, I did not make any of these!
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