It is difficult to explain to a new doctor why you did not realize you had something new wrong with you for so long.
I have been feeling bad for a while, but could not really put my finger on why. I thought maybe it was just lack of sunshine, yay ohio in winter, or I was eating bad. Not getting enough sleep? I started trying to correct all of these things before my symptoms took a painful turn and I suddenly recognized them. UTI. Of course it had to get bad first. I ordered one of those at home tests, got it in 12 hours from Amazon and kablaam. I was on the phone so fast to get into a doctor. My primary is on vacation so I begged and pleaded and got into another doctor in the practice in an hour. But they always ask you when the symptoms started and that is when you have to explain why you do not notice getting sick because there is always something fucking wrong with you!!! It wasn’t until my fever spiked at 101 that it all clicked in.
This is my 2nd UTI in a year, after 40 year with none, so I started doing some digging and sure enough…kadcyla patients report increased incidence of UTI’s. Time to start researching UTI prevention now.
So, just took my 2nd dose of Cipro and already feel a little better. That seems to be my antibiotic. I have taken it for multiple things now and it always works quickly and well. It has it’s own scary side effects but you have to make your choices.
Also my new/used car now has a working horn and it is SO LOUD! I jump every time I lock the doors. I like my car a lot. I hope nothing else pops up.
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