I have mechanical difficulties with my body. I am structurally not made correctly. I have thoracic outlet syndrome which basically means my top half, shoulder and clavicles and shoulder blades do not leave enough space for my muscles and nerves so things can go bad quickly. – went through physical therapy. Helps temporarily.
I have a slightly herniated cervical disc. – went through physical therapy. Does no good.
I have just bad hips. They turn the wrong way and then I become lopsided and I have bursitis in both hips. Went through physical therapy. No real solution for this.
I have bad feet. I have bones spurs on both heels and I have plantar fasciitis in both feet. The tendon that runs through your arch is just rock solid on me. Went through physical therapy. It did NO GOOD AT ALL. The physical therapist told me he had never seen tendons like I have on the front of my ankle and that there was no way to actually release the tendon on the bottom of my foot because it was so bad.
A couple of months ago I hurt my shoulder. Don’t know how, just waiting for it to heal itself. Said no to Physical Therapy
Today I went to my most favoritist massage person Hannah and she did cupping. I go to her every couple of months when things are just out of hand and I can no longer sleep because of my neck and shoulder. We talked about the benefits of cupping vs manual massage. The cupping is actually pulling up on the muscle and bringing blood to the surface vs pushing and rubbing on an annoyed muscle. It’s really traction on the muscle. I’m sure someone else could explain it better and more accurately. 🙂
So she did my back and shoulders and it was interesting. There were spots that hurt! But then she released the suction a little. It felt like it feels when someone is breaking up my fascia which I thought is probably exactly what it was doing. I thought it was interesting that there were a couple of spots that have never hurt before that the cupping released. They were spots that are really surrounded by bone so Hannah can’t get to them without manipulating my bones. We don’t do a lot of that. I am looking forward to seeing how I feel tomorrow. I will most certainly add this to my regular massage.
While I was getting the cupping my foot cramped up. Not abnormal for me. As I was getting dressed it made me think and I asked Hannah if cupping could be done on the foot. She said yes and right then and there went and grabbed the cups and did one of my feet, the really bad P.F. One. Guys!!! The tendon on the bottom of my foot released!! It’s been YEARS. I don’t even get food massages because it hurts too bad now. I also have neuropathy from long term chemo and suddenly I am feeling things in spots that have been numb for years. I am amazed! I have ordered a small set of cups so I can learn how to do my own feet.
What if fixing my feet fixes some of my hip problems?
What if fixing some of my hip problems fixes some of my shoulder problems?
What if fixing some of my shoulder problems fixes some of my neck problems?
It’s all connected!
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