I woke up so angry this morning. I mean brow furrowed kick the cat (I never would) angry. Then I took my Boniva with water and had to wait an hour for my normally scheduled coffee. Everything on my body is stiff. Not sore, just stiff. I do not know what I was doing in my sleep but it must not have been very nice!
Hopefullly it will all shake off soon. I don’t want the public to have to deal with cranky Tracy. 🙂
I only have a couple of things to take care of today, pre-chemo bloodwork is the only absolutely necessary thing so that is nice, no pressure.
I am due for a CT scan in September and they called to schedule it yesterday. They tried to schedule it on my birthday and I swear I yelled out NO! In the last 20 years I have had new cancers confirmed on my birthday twice. And TWO root canals done on birthdays! I am not superstitious but…just no.
Dusty is already in her it is too warm for a long haired dark big dog hidey hole behind the chair which says a lot about what the weather is going to be today.
My sister came over last night and I ordered pizza so that was very nice. You know what was really nice? She complimented my curtains. I love my curtains so much! Isn’t that bizarre? This door looks west so they get a pretty glow as the sun hits them in the evening.
If I were going to replace them, which I will eventually because I like change, I would look for another set in linen and the same color but maybe a different pattern and then probably immediately change back to these.

Okay – 2nd cup of coffee in process – which is stupid, I never finish the 2nd cup – time to get moving on the day.
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